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Piotr Faryna    ピョートル・ファリナ


aesthetics and applied art ancient Japan

what's more important than words is what's between the words

 Shihan Shimamoto Katsuyuki  and me

About me

Once upon a time, almost a quarter of a century ago, when I was wondering what new and interesting things I could do, for lack of better ideas, I became interested in Japonisms. I joined an Aikido club and began to intensively search for information on this subject in books and Internet resources. Initially, it was mainly related to "bushido" and Japanese melee weapons, but quite quickly it turned into a fascination with the history, tradition, aesthetics and applied art of ancient Japan. As I like to check information experimentally, I started learning organoleptically how to frame a sword and then what the techniques related to Japanese lacquer look like. The culmination of this story was the exploration of knowledge and skills in creating inro. At the same time, I was reading more and more about the aesthetics of ancient Japan, which, of course, would not be possible without insight into the tradition and history of this extraordinary country. On the pages of this slightly unusual place on the Internet, you will find what I would like to share with readers in individual articles. Explore the nooks and crannies here as much as you want. The topic is as big as the ocean, so every now and then you will find something new. Good luck.


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Introductory remarks :

  • in each article, numbers in Arabic brackets (4) - literature and Roman (IV) - Internet sources - indicate references to the bibliography below.
  • the quoted fragments of texts from English editions are provided in my own translation or one corrected by me. For other languages (German, French, Japanese) I use machine translation.
  • illustrations used in the article are my own photographs, reproductions or photographs, graphics or films taken from the Internet. Illustrations of foreign authorship come from the public domain and if they require a license, the following apply: Creative Commons Attribution-Share 3.0,4.0; CC BY 4.0 Deed | Attribution 4.0 International | Creative CommonsThe Government of Japan Standard Terms of UseGovernment of Japan Standard Terms of Use (Version 2.0) - Wikisource, the free online library in the texts,
  • japanese terms referring to techniques, technologies, specialized terms of lacquer art and Japanese culture and aesthetics are marked in italics and a different font color. This does not apply to words of Japanese origin with a general meaning (surnames, geographical names, etc.)
  • publications on the website, in particular articles, are not intended for commercial purposes



1. Urushi no waza – Japanese lacquer technology 2002, NIHON ART PUBLISHERS , Ellwangen ISBN 3-9805755-2-7

2. Laka japońska, ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego we Wrocławiu; Dorota Róż-Mielecka Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocłaiu ISBN 83086766-52-2

3. Urushi The technology of Japanese Lacquer; John J. Quin Harrison &Sons 1882, reprint The Caber Press Portland, Oregon ISBN 1-887719-01-6

4. Contribution to the Konowledge of Japanese Lac (Ki-urushi) ALviso B. Stevens University of Michigan Ann Arbor Press 1906 r.

5. Shadows and reflections Japanese lacquer art from the collection of Edmund J. Lewis at the Honolulu Academy of Arts ISBN 962-7956-04-X 1996 r.

6. Laka japońska  Zofia Alberowa , Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie  1968

7. Inro and other miniature forms Melvin and Betty Jahss, Charles E. Tuttle Company 1971 ISBN 0-8048-0263-7Japanese Lacquer Nabokucho to Zenshin, Barry Davies Oriental Art

8. East Asian Lacquer The Florence and Herbert Irving Collection  James C.Y. Watt and barbara Brennan Ford , The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1991

9. Japanese lacquer 1600-1900 Andrew J. Pekarik, The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1980

10. oryg. w jęz. japońskim "Sztuka japońska Inro i netsuke", Agencja ds. Kultury Muzeum Narodowe Tokio/Kyoto/Nara nr 195 pod red. Hirokazu Arakawa, 1981

11. O sztuce Japonii Zofia Alberowa Wiedza Powszechna 1983, ISBN 83-214-0178-3

12. Sztuka Japonii Wiesław Kotański Wydawnctwa Artystyczne i Filmowe, 1974

13. Japanese Art in The National Museum in Cracow 1994 ISBN 83-902718-2-6

14. Sztuka japońska z kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie , Centrum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha 2006

15. China &Japan , Visual Encyclopedia of Art, SCALA,Italy

16. Historia Japonii Jolanta Tubielewicz Zakład Narofdowy im. Ossolińskich, 1984 ISBN 83-04-01486-6

17. Japanese inro Julia Hutt V&A Publications 1997

18. Sztuka Japońska w zbiorach polskich  Zofia Alberowa, Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe 1988 ISBN 83-221-0344-1

19. Japanese  decorative art Martin Federsen, Faber&Faber 1962

20. The inro handbook Raymond Bushell, Weatherhill 1979 ISBN 0-8348-0135-3

21. Arcydzieła sztuki japońskiej w kolekcjach polskich pod redakcja Anny Król , Manggha, 2014

22. Estetyka japońska T.I,II i III red. Krystyna Wilkoszewska  Tow. Autorów i Wydawców Universitas 2001-2005

23. Historia Japonii Conrad Totman Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2009, ISBN 978-83-233-2787-5

24. Japonia  od czasów najdawniejszych do dzisiaj , J.W. Hall, PIW1979

25. Dzieje kultury japońskiej , Ewa Pałasz -Rutkowska,PWN 2023 ISBN 978-83-01- 23177-4

26. Japanese  Lacquer  Ann Yonemura , Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C. 1979

27.  Japanese lacquer  Julia Bartholomew Art and Progress , Sep., 1912, Vol. 3, No. 11 (Sep., 1912), pp. 716-719 Published by: Stable

28.  Japanese Art Lacquers By U. A. Casal, Kobe  The History of Decorated Lacquer in Japan  Monumenta Nipponica Vol. 15 No.3 / 4  (Oct. 1959-Jan 1960) http://jstor.org

29.O sztuce Japonii Zofia Alberowa  Wiedza Powszechna 1987, ISBN 830214-0178-3

30. Shadows and Reflections Japanese lacquer art Edmund J. Lewis 1996 Honolulu Academy of Arts

31. Japanese Lacquer Nambokucho to Zenshin Barry Davis Oriental Art 2002

32. Декоративное искусство Японии» Н.С. Николаева, издательство «Искусство», 1972 г.

33. The genius of japanese lacquer Masterworks by Shibata Zenshin, Japan Society New York

34. Estetyka i sztuka japońska  Beata Kubiak Ho-Chi, Tow. Autorów i Wydawców Universitas 2009, ISBN 97883-242-0958-0

35 Historia kultury japońskiej w zarysie, Yutaka Tazawa i inny, Min. Spraw Zagranicznych Japonii, 1987




Currently, you can watch a lot of videos on YouTube devoted to Japanese lacquer (production, application and decoration). I provide links to specific videos in the content of the articles.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urushiol

  2. https://commons.wikimedia.org

  3. The Art of Japanese Lacquerware: Ancient Techniques Crafting Timeless Masterpieces | tsunagu Japan

  4. The History and Culture of Lacquer in Japan | May 2022 | Highlighting Japan (gov-online.go.jp)

  5. https://savvytokyo.com/a-beginners-guide-to-japanese-lacquerware/

  6. Japanese lacquerware - Wikipedia

  7. The History and Culture of Lacquer in Japan | May 2022 | Highlighting Japan (gov-online.go.jp)

  8. Japanese lacquer store Watanabe shoten | 漆芸材料専門店 渡邉商店(渡辺商店) (urushi-watanabe.net)

  9. Wajima lacquerware(Wajima nuri)- KOGEI JAPAN

  10. Economic Botany Collection | Kew





see below:

articles in progress

japanese lacquer

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2 articles  

comments and observations 

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netsuke, ojime 

see below:

articles in progress

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